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Auto Services:

Auto upholstery

863 E Loop 254​

(254) 246-07​12

Big D Tire Service

1607 W Loop 254 ​

(254) 647-358​6

Big D Truck Wash

1605 W Loop 254 ​

(940) 594-113​8

Chestnut Auto & ​Wrecker

​1001 E Loop 254


Freddy's Garage/Wrecker

6995 E Access Road I 20

(254) 647-1125

Gary's Automotive

1421 W Loop 254

(254) 647-3003

Greenwood Auto Parts

107 S Commerce St

(254) 647-3026

KJ Auto Services

2521 E Loop 254

(254) 433-0902


V&J Service Center

310 E Loop 254

(2​54) 334-8210


406 E Loop 254

(254) 633-736​7

Auto Cont:


Ed & Lisa Watts Inc


1420 TX-254 Loop

(254) 647-3278


First Financial Bank

106 W Main St

Ranger, tx

(254) 629-6100

Contractors and Equipment:

Siglar Systems LLC

709 S Oak St

(817) 886-0938

Stevens Contractor Services

PO Box 154

(254) 433-1612

Stephens Custom Decks

and Woodworks

(817) 304-8587

Medical Services:

Walnut St Clinic

200 Walnut St

(254) 647-1182

Ranger Dental

215 N Austin

(254) 647-1168

Sage Blossom

(massage therapist)

1412 W Loop 254

(254) 647-5150

Brandi Cochran, LMT

(massage therapist)

(682) 593-9208

Ranger Care Center

Nursing Home

460 W Main St

(254) 255-4232

Edward's Funeral Home

211 Pine St

(254) 647-1133

R L Davis & Associates

(Record Storage)

208 W Main St

(254) 271-7026


King insurance

320 W Main St

(254) 647-1171

Storage Buildings:

Sanders Storage

320 W Main

(254) 210-1840

Freddy's u store it

1520 E Loop 254

(254) 647-1125

Lock-in storage

1435 W Loop 254

(254) 210-2175

Music Services:

Roy’s Piano Service

301 Vivian St

(254) 647-5486

Dirty Mike & the Boys

Live Band

(817) 304-9935

Greenwood Acres

Piano Lessons

(254) 210-1190

MamaBear Entertainment

DJ and Karaoke

(817) 304-9935

Lawn Care:

Mayfield Maintenance

Justin (254) 433-6392

Rhonda (254) 433-2195

Real Estate:

Ranger realty

101 W Main St

(254) 647-1587

Baker Texas Realty Team

(817) 933-0130

(817) 682-7783


4J Taxidermy and Leatherwork

(254) 271-9496

Tattoo Parlors:

Machines and dreams tattoo

801 S Commerce

(254) 271-9228

Atomic Dawg

1301 W Loop 254

(254) 266-1879

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